You Can Change How You Age by Doing This!

You Can Change How You Age by Doing This!

When you think of yourself ten, twenty, or thirty years from now, what do you imagine? What is your body like? How is your brain functioning? What does your life look like? Are you actively engaged in living, loving, and creating?

If we are honest with ourselves, many of us feel afraid when we picture ourselves in our later years.

We know what how we want to be, but deep inside we fear that we will be diminished—that slowly, we will find our bodies betraying us, our minds slipping, our lives empty and without meaning or purpose.

Fortunately, science is painting a very different picture of what is possible for us as we grow older.

Is Your Vibration in the Abundance Zone? Try Asking Yourself These Three Questions!

                    Is Your Vibration in the Abundance Zone? Try Asking Yourself These Three Questions!

Quantum physics has confirmed what spiritual teachers have told us for centuries—that each of us has a frequency or vibration, and that what we attract into our lives is always a perfect match to that vibration.

The higher your vibration, the more abundance of every kind you attract into your life.

That means financial abundance, as well as an abundance of inner peace, radiant vitality, loving relationships, creative inspiration, exciting adventures, the freedom to live the life you choose, success in your chosen endeavors, and so much more!

This One Step Can Transform Your Entire Year!

This One Step Can Transform Your Entire Year!

I spent this past year wanting to write more, teach more, coach more, and play more, but I didn't do much to make that happen. 

Okay, I had the excuse of moving across the country.

However, after some honest soul-searching, I came to the conclusion that social media makes it too easy to keep myself absorbed with the dramas playing themselves out on the world stage and in the lives of others. 

Have You Felt the Energy Shift?

Have You Felt the Energy Shift?

This is a time of accelerated evolution.

There has been an energy shift taking place on the planet that enables access to new potentials.

What are these potentials?

An increase in the ability to access our intuition, to experience greater inner peace, to be more loving and compassionate, to revitalize and restore our bodies as we age, to manifest greater abundance of every kind, to know ourselves more completely as Source Energy, and to live our life purpose more fully—to name just a few!

Seven Actions to Cultivate a Strong and Healthy Relationship

Seven Actions to Cultivate a Strong and Healthy Relationship

We live in an age when divorce rates are just under 50 percent. How can you avoid being one of these statistics? What can you do to build a relationship that is strong, healthy, and resilient?

Most of us know that, unlike what we see in the movies, “Happily ever after” doesn’t just naturally follow once you have found the right partner. A healthy and happy relationship is the outgrowth of your willingness to spend time and energy creating something wonderful with your mate. 

The Surprising Way I Discovered the Secret to Happiness!

The Surprising Way I Discovered the Secret to Happiness!

I used to be hung-up on the need to be successful.  Then I moved to a foreign land, and discovered the difference between attaining success and successful living. While others achieve transcendence while trekking in Tibet or living among indigenous tribes in the Amazon rain forest, my spiritual epiphany took place when I moved to Munich, where I didn’t know a soul or speak the language. (Does gesundheit count?) In that move I learned to follow my inner guidance, surrender to life, and trust that I am safe and taken care of regardless of where I am in the world. I discovered that life is meant to be an adventure, and that only when we step out of our comfort zone can our dreams become a reality.

Six Steps to Liberate Yourself From Your Past

Six Steps to Liberate Yourself From Your Past

Are you a captive of your past? Or have you released the past and liberated yourself from its hold on you? When you refuse to allow your history to imprison you, you choose a path of self-determination. Letting go of the past is your personal “declaration of independence” from anything in your earlier years that could limit your creative potential or prevent you from living your best life.

Ready to Make a Change? This Works Better Than Willpower Alone!

Ready to Make a Change? This Works Better Than Willpower Alone!

I envy people who have great willpower—you know, those who have this remarkable ability to simply decide to stop eating sugar or start exercising more and then follow-through for weeks, months, and years to come. Too often, my intention to change a behavior is met with inner resistance. It is as if there are two parts of me—the conscious self who is determined to be healthier, and the unconscious self who sabotages my efforts. As a result, the more I try to push myself to stop eating sugar, the stronger my urge to indulge. I find that I end up doing even more of the very thing I am trying to stop doing!