Hi! I’m Eve, explorer of the psychospiritual realm, lover of guided meditations, and believer in your power to live your dreams!
For almost 40 years, I have enjoyed helping hundreds of people transform their lives.
It all began for me while in my twenties, when I discovered a gem of a book called The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts.
Reading that book changed my life by opening my eyes to the relationship between both our conscious and subconscious thoughts and feelings and the reality that we experience.
I came to the realization that while each of us has the power to create the life that we desire, the majority of us go through life asleep to the vast creative potential that lies dormant within us.
I began to experiment with using tools like guided meditation to reprogram my subconscious limiting beliefs, and visualization to attract what I want into my life.
Before long, I was enjoying a new place to live in a great location, a thriving business that was continuing to grow, opportunities to travel and meet many wonderful people, and so much more.
Over time, I have come to recognize the importance of raising our vibrational frequencies in order to evolve spiritually, connect more fully with our Divine Essence, and live more joyful and fulfilling lives.
I believe this is the most important thing we can do to help ourselves and to assist all of humanity, since we are all connected at a deeper level.
While raising your vibrational frequency does not guarantee that your life will be perfect or that you will always get what you want, it does improve your life experience in more ways than you can imagine.
As I continue to work daily on raising my own vibration, I have felt inspired to assist others who are also interested in pursuing this path of self-realization.
Towards that end, I have started The Abundance Zone Podcast, written a book about healing your past and clearing subconscious limiting beliefs, and developed some classes (both free and paid) I offer at TransformationU.net.
I also offer individual sessions and small group classes.
Are you ready to create a life that you love?
What I know for sure . . .
You deserve to live an abundant life.
Change is always possible and it doesn’t have to take a long time.
Your consciousness impacts your reality in profound ways.
It only takes little changes on the inside to create big, positive shifts in your life.
No matter what you have done before, tomorrow can be different if you choose.
“The class was awesome and exceeded my expectations. I feel that I developed important skills for turning off the negative mind and opening to life and spirit. Eve, thank you for this profound experience.”