Have You Felt the Energy Shift?

This is a time of accelerated evolution.

There has been an energy shift taking place on the planet that enables access to new potentials.

What are these potentials?

An increase in the ability to access our intuition, to experience greater inner peace, to be more loving and compassionate, to revitalize and restore our bodies as we age, to manifest greater abundance of every kind, to know ourselves more completely as Source Energy, and to live our life purpose more fully—to name just a few!

Pretty exciting stuff!  

On the other hand, the changes we are going through can also trigger discomfort as the old begins to dissolve to make room for the new, and we experience “growing pains.”

What about you? Have you noticed any changes in your own life?

Perhaps things you desire are manifesting more quickly. While this can be a blessing, it can also be somewhat unsettling when it means sudden, unexpected shifts in your life situation.

Maybe you notice yourself becoming more sensitive to different environments and foods.

You might have some strange physical symptoms, or periods of greater fatigue than usual.

You may begin to notice times that your intuitive guidance was “on target” and you ignored it.

It could also be that you are more aware when you are not living in accordance with your values and ethics, and it is feeling increasingly intolerable.

Or you might find that old, unsettled issues are popping up again in your life in a big way so that you can resolve then once and for all. (This has certainly been the case for me!)

If you are experiencing any of these things, hang in there, and know that it is a sign that you are going through a spiritual growth-spurt. This will ultimately pay off in countless ways.

I know-- that doesn’t make it any easier in the moment that you are experiencing an emotional roller-coaster ride as you evolve.

We have come to a time when it is essential that we become more conscious of how we manage our own energetic frequencies.

In the interest of offering some assistance during these challenging, but exciting times, I have started a new online school called Transformation U.

I am currently offering a free mini-course called: Its All About Your Vibe: How to Raise Your Vibration and Become Magnetic to What You Desire.

 Why focus on your vibration?

As we raise our vibration we feel more balanced and centered, experience more inner peace and wellbeing, open our hearts to greater compassion, and attract more of what we want into our lives, create more loving, harmonious relationships, and discover new opportunities to live our dreams and fulfill our life purpose.

Feel free to check out the course and to tell others who may benefit from it as well!

And in the meantime, please be gentle with yourself as you manage life’s shifting currents!

Much Love,
