We Hold the Potential to Birth A New Earth.

What kind of world do you want to live in?

I know what I would like.  

I want my world to have free energy along with clean water and air for all.

 I want Mother Earth and all life to be treated with love, compassion, and respect.

I want each person to have the time and freedom to live the kind of life they truly desire.

I want a peace and cooperation among and between people from all corners of the globe.

And so much more!

What about you?

If you could create a New Reality on the Earth, what would it look like?

There has never been a more important time to ask your self that question.

We are living in unprecedented times, when life as we know it has come to a halt.

And that means we have a CHOICE.

To just press the “restart” button, or to upgrade our operating system.

We have a unique opportunity to do a systems upgrade to a kinder, gentler world.

How do we do this?

By calling upon the power of our group consciousness.

All it takes is the heartfelt intention to create positive change and the activation of your imagination.

You don’t have to be specific about what the changes will look like or know how all of the changes are going to happen.

You just need to focus your consciousness on how it is going to feel to live in the kind of reality that makes your soul sing.

 I know, you may be thinking, “Oh, yeah. I am just not that powerful or important.”

But I beg to differ.

 According to a new model of physics called "unified field theory," we are all connected to everything and everyone. 

This means that everything you think, feel, and do affects every morsel of this universe.

The truth is you are more powerful than you can even imagine.

I know it is impossible to wrap our minds around that—but I also know it is true.

You matter. You can make a difference.

You have the power to birth a New Reality.

And the time to act is NOW.

The children of the Earth need you. The oceans, lakes, and rivers need you. The animals need you. Humanity needs you.  

Please add your energy to the group consciousness that is inviting a New Dawn for our beautiful planet.

If you feel drawn to do so, spend just a few minutes every day closing your eyes, and visualizing the kind of world you want to share with others.

Make sure you focus on how it will FEEL to be living in this New Reality.

For example, perhaps you picture yourself feeling, safe, secure, expansive, peaceful, joyful, free, vibrantly alive, excited, inspired, grateful, or something else.

Avoid focusing on the way things are that you wish to change and just picture how you WANT things to be rather than what you don’t want.

For example, rather than imagining the process of clearing pollution from our waters, focus on how it will feel to enjoy beautiful, healthy, thriving oceans, lakes, and rivers.

When we join our hearts and minds together with strong intentions for change, we supercharge our visualizations!!!

Group energy is exponentially more powerful than individual energy.

Even just two people together are vastly more powerful than the sum of each of them individually.

So, if you feel so inclined, why not join or create a group to visualize a New Earth with others?

I will be leading a virtual group guided meditation to “Envision a New World” on Wednesday, April 22 at Noon Eastern time on Zoom.

Please sign up here if you would like to join me on Earth Day, or if you will not be available for the live meeting and you would like to receive a link to the recording.

Even if you participate in the recorded group guided meditation, you will be joining your energy with others to activate positive changes in our world.

Let’s do this!

