Is Your Vibration in the Abundance Zone? Try Asking Yourself These Three Questions!

Quantum physics has confirmed what spiritual teachers have told us for centuries—that each of us has a frequency or vibration, and that what we attract into our lives is always a perfect match to that vibration.

The higher your vibration, the more abundance of every kind you attract into your life.

That means financial abundance, as well as an abundance of inner peace, radiant vitality, loving relationships, creative inspiration, exciting adventures, the freedom to live the life you choose, success in your chosen endeavors, and so much more!

Even small changes in your prevailing vibrational frequency can result in big changes in your external reality.

If there is something new you are wanting to create in your life—a better job, a more satisfying lifestyle, a loving partnership, a booming business, a clearer connection to your inner guidance, a physical body brimming with youthful vitality, or anything else—you can make that happen more quickly and easily by keeping your vibration in the “Abundance Zone” as much as possible.

Keep in mind that no-one is ALWAYS in the Abundance Zone.

The goal is to increase the amount of time you spend there to become a better vibrational match to whatever you are wanting.


How can you tell if your vibration is in the Abundance Zone? Try asking yourself these three questions:

Caution: Please don’t judge yourselves for your responses to these questions. Most of us have to work on these things, so just know that you are in good company if any of these are problematic for yo

“Do I often think about and talk about what’s wrong in my life?

Our brains are wired for survival purposes to focus on what’s wrong—so as a result, many of us have the tendency to dwell on our problems.

This takes us out of the Abundance Zone.

In contrast, the more you focus on and talk about the good things in your life, the more you are in the Abundance Zone.

Of course, holding more positive thoughts does not mean denying or ignoring the current challenges or problems in your life. Rather, it means giving plenty of “air time” to what’s right in your life as you also address the troublesome situations that require your attention.

Tip: Aim to catch yourself once a day "in the act" of dwelling on what's wrong. Each time you do, be sure to congratulate yourself on recognizing the pattern you want to change. Then, deliberately shift your focus to something, someone, or some place you appreciate. 

(When I am really having a difficult time shifting my negative focus to something more positive, I find that watching dog videos on YouTube lifts my spirits every time!)

 “Do I often criticize, judge, or berate myself?”

Our society trains us to criticize and judge ourselves harshly. Instead of helping, this tends to reinforce feelings of not being good enough while also taking us out of the Abundance Zone.

If you have a habit of putting yourself down, welcome to the club!

Rather than judging yourself for doing this, commend yourself for having the awareness to recognize this pattern.

Since this is a learned behavior we acquire in our earliest years, the good news is that we can unlearn it.

As humans, we all make mistakes as we stumble through life, learning, loving, and growing.

You are unique. There is no yardstick you must measure up to, unless you impose one on your self.

Offering yourself greater acceptance, love, and compassion can transform your life in countless ways.

Tip: The next time you catch yourself in the act of berating yourself, try putting your hand on your heart and speaking to yourself with kindness and compassion, just as you would a dear friend who is experiencing a similar situation. 

“Deep inside, do I feel undeserving or unworthy of having this thing I desire?”

In over 30+ years of working with clients, I have found that most of us hold subconscious limiting beliefs that we do not deserve to have the things we want, and that we are not good enough, or there is something wrong with us.

These beliefs are a part of our vibration, even though we are not consciously aware of them.

We come to hold these subconscious beliefs in our very early years based upon our life experiences and what we are told by others.

Neuroscientists have discovered that our subconscious programs are stored in a part of the brain that is non-verbal, which is why we have to look a little more deeply within to hunt them down.

Our negative programs impact us in countless ways—coloring our perceptions, limiting our choices, and narrowing the field of what we believe is possible for us.

The truth is that you deserve to live the life that you desire. And the more you truly know and believe that, the more your life will transform in ways you never even imagined!

I will have more to say about how to dissolve subconscious limiting beliefs in future email messages! (I also help clients do this in private sessions!)

For more guidance in how to raise your vibration, visit my new online school,, and take my Free Mini-Course “It’s All About Your Vibe.” 

Much Love,
