You Can Change How You Age by Doing This!

When you think of yourself ten, twenty, or thirty years from now, what do you imagine? What is your body like? How is your brain functioning? What does your life look like? Are you actively engaged in living, loving, and creating?

If we are honest with ourselves, many of us feel afraid when we picture ourselves in our later years.

We know what how we want to be, but deep inside we fear that we will be diminished—that slowly, we will find our bodies betraying us, our minds slipping, our lives empty and without meaning or purpose.

Fortunately, science is painting a very different picture of what is possible for us as we grow older.

It is pointing to new, exciting potentials for revitalizing, restoring, and renewing our mental and physical states of being throughout our lives.

Your Mental and Emotional Programs Run Things

One important area of research that has unlocked some of the brain’s secrets regarding aging is neuroscience.

We now know that there is a nonverbal part of the brain that develops in our earliest years and that holds mental and emotional programs that are beyond our conscious awareness.

These subconscious programs control much of the functioning of our body’s billions of cells.

They also play a huge role in determining how we view ourselves, others, and life in general, and what we experience.

We think of our mental programs as “the truth” because our experiences always match our beliefs and expectations.  

For example, if we think and feel that we are inadequate in some way, we will continue to attract situations, people, and events that mirror that belief back to us.

Fortunately, when we change our mental and emotional programs, we change what we experience.

As Wayne Dyer would say, “You’ll see it when you believe it!”

What Are Your Subconscious Programs About Aging?

Most of us have been programmed with many limiting subconscious beliefs about aging.

One of the most common is that we can expect our bodies and minds to deteriorate with age.

Most of us have accepted this as “the truth,” since it is what we have been told, it is what most everyone believes, and it is what we have witnessed in self and others.

But what if it isn’t the truth?

What if we have all “bought into” this belief, and our bodies naturally respond accordingly?

What if our bodies actually have the capacity to regenerate and restore our cellular functioning, even into advanced years?

Because that’s what science is beginning to discover.

Our bodies are miraculous, divine works of art. They hold unlimited potentials that we have yet to tap into.

Changing Subconscious Limiting Programs About Aging

What can we do to begin to open to these hidden potentials for mental and physical rejuvenation?

First, begin to take careful note of what you are “putting out there” concerning your future mental and physical functioning.

Catch yourself when you think or say things like:

“My memory is going.”

“I am getting weaker by the day.”

“I am losing it!”

“Everyone in my family has bad knees, so I will probably need a knee replacement some day.”

When you catch yourself, don’t criticize, judge, or berate yourself.

Instead, celebrate your new awareness and choose to change what you think or say in that moment.

Second, start envisioning yourself living into your later years as you would like to be. Play with your imagination. Make it real and get excited as you picture yourself thriving.

Third, look around you for role models—people who are doing amazing things in their advanced years. Remind yourself that you are also choosing to activate your body and mind’s capacity to function optimally as you age.

Fourth, love your body. Send it appreciation. Ask it to show you what it needs to function at its best. Pay attention to the foods your body wants. (It will let you know.) Notice what kind of exercise your body prefers. Make a commitment to treat your body in loving ways.

Fifth, reprogram limiting mental and emotional programs. Go back in your imagination to moments when you first took on negative beliefs, feel the feelings associated with those events, and make some new decisions about what is now possible for you.

This is an exciting time to be alive. A time to choose to dissolve old patterns and awaken to new, exciting potentials.

You have the power to change your future today! Why not act on it???

For more guidance on how to change your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, visit my new online school,, and take my Free Mini-Course “It’s All About Your Vibe.” 

