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What is Your Vibration?
At the most basic level, everyone and everything in the universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies.
Your vibrational signature is determined by your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. You attract relationships, opportunities, and experiences that match your unique vibrational frequency.
For example, if you believe you are “unlovable,” you are likely to encounter situations in which others mistreat, devalue, and disrespect you. This is not because you are actually unlovable, nor is it because you want to be treated badly. Rather, it is because deep inside you falsely believe that you are unworthy of love.
Why Raise Your Vibration?
Live In The Abundance Zone
When you maintain a higher vibrational frequency more of the time, you step into The Abundance Zone and begin to attract greater abundance of every kind into your life.
This means you find yourself enjoying more of whatever you may desire, whether that is increased freedom, love, joy, inner peace, vitality, financial security, creativity, or success in your endeavors.
Transform Your Life from the Inside Out
Most of us make the mistake of focusing only outside ourselves to improve our relationships or our life circumstances. But the way to transform your life is to begin with some inner housekeeping.
By changing what you think, feel, or believe, you raise your vibration and begin to attract relationships, situations, and opportunities, that match your new, higher frequency.
For example, move from feeling “unlovable” to believing you are “lovable” and either your current relationships change for the better, or new relationships come along in which you are treated with kindness, love, and respect.
Connect With Your Higher Self
As your vibration rises, you unlock your potential to experience new levels of joy, freedom, love, peace, fulfillment, and aliveness.
You become more creative and feel inspired to express the highest and best within you in all you do.
You evolve spiritually and grow in your ability to trust and follow the voice of your inner guidance.
You feel more confident, courageous, and capable of realizing your dreams.
You nurture a deeper and more profound connection to your Divine Essence, enjoy enhanced intuition, and shine your unique light even more brightly in the world.
You become more peaceful, caring, and compassionate, thus contributing to the evolution of human consciousness, since we all one on the inner plane of existence.
How Do You Raise Your Vibration and Step Into the Abundance Zone?
Engage Higher Frequency Thoughts
Our brains are programmed to focus on the negative, rather than the positive. Many believe this is because our early human ancestors needed to be ever-alert to the possibility of danger in order to survive.
Unfortunately, focusing excessively on what’s wrong with other people, ourselves, our life situations, and the world around us keeps us at a lower vibration and out of the Abundance Zone.
By retraining our brains to hone in on what’s good about ourselves, others, our life situations, and our world, we can establish new neural pathways that help us maintain a higher vibration and become more magnetic to what we desire.
This doesn’t mean we ignore reality—rather, it means that we don’t dwell on the negative and that we hold a more positive mindset in general.
Activate Higher Frequency Emotions
Emotions like love, gratitude, joy, peace, contentment, compassion, and enthusiasm hold a very high frequency, while fear, anger, frustration, annoyance, hatred, jealously, spite, sadness, and hopelessness are examples of emotions that lower our vibration.
We are all human and living in a duality, so there will always be ups and downs. The goal is not to avoid negative emotions or push them away—for that just creates bigger mental and emotional problems for us.
Rather, it is helpful to witness our negative emotions, learn from them, take action when appropriate, and release them.
And whenever we can choose to engage feelings of love, gratitude, peace, and wellbeing, we are amplifying a positive vibration that will attract more blessings into our lives.
Liberate Yourself From Limiting Beliefs
Do to our very early life experiences, most of us grow up believing that we aren’t good enough in one way or another. Many of us also feel unworthy of having what we want, think we have to struggle to get what we want, or are convinced we are incapable of enjoying the kind of life we most desire.
Typically these beliefs are locked away in our subconscious, where they generate low vibes and keep us out of the Abundance Zone without our conscious awareness that they are doing so.
Since we always make ourselves right, we go through our lives subconsciously limiting the amount of abundance we allow ourselves to receive—whether in the form of more loving relationships, financial prosperity, amazing opportunities, greater freedom, unparalleled fulfillment and wellbeing, or joyful life experiences.
Fortunately, it is never too late to reprogram your subconscious limiting beliefs, thereby raising your frequency and becoming more magnetic to what you desire!
Express the Highest and Best Within You
Every time we make the highest choice in thought, word, and/or action, we enable the Divine light within us to shine forth and elevate our energy to its highest frequency.
We also lift those around us and humanity as a whole.
Whether spreading love, kindness and goodwill, offering forgiveness, demonstrating compassion towards self or others, or choosing the more challenging path of integrity, each day offers us countless opportunities to align with our spiritual essence.
While no-one I have ever met (certainly self included!) always expresses the highest and best within them, even when we fall down (and we will!) we can step back into the Abundance Zone by offering ourselves genuine compassion and forgiveness, and feeling gratitude for one more opportunity life has provided to learn and grow!
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Resources For Raising Your Vibration
Tune-In To The Abundance Zone Podcast
Offering Practical Tips and Tools to Raise Your Vibration and Attract Abundance of Every Kind.
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Receive These Two Free Guided Meditations: Become Magnetic to What You Desire and Set A High Vibrational Path For Your Day
Check Out New Science, New Brain, New You
A DIY Guidebook to Liberate Yourself From Subconscious Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back